Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Let Go, And Let God

OK, I know the title to this post is a little cliche, but it best fit the way I'm feeling this morning.

As I've mentioned (many times), we are trying to sell our house in Loganville and move to Dahlonega. We couldn't be more excited about Kevin's new job in Lumpkin County. He is going to be the Adapted PE teacher for the whole county - traveling around to each school each day offering PE classes to special needs students. He will also be coaching football and girls golf. All summer long he has spent almost every day (and night) during the week up there for football practice, and it's getting pretty old being here without him. I miss him. Addison misses him. I hate it that he misses out on her waking up every morning. Misses out on lunchtime. Misses out on bathtime. Misses out on bedtime. And this is going to sound selfish, but I hate doing those things alone. Without him. We want to be with our Daddy.

We've talked about what we are going to do come August if school is starting and our house isn't sold yet. During the summer, Kevin has been staying with our good friends Tommy and Cory, the head coach and his wife and family, or with a couple of other coaches who have a house. And, when Addison and I do get to go up there, we stay with Tommy and Cory and the girls, too. And, although they have amazingly offered to let us stay there with them full-time come August, I can't imagine being that much of an imposition (I mean a family of 3 moving in with a family of 4!) for who knows how long. So, we have a couple of options... My grandparents have a lake house up on Lanier (about 15 miles from the school), which my grandfather has so graciously offered to us if we need to stay there for a while. Or, we continue to do what we've been doing - Kevin staying with Tommy and Cory (or the other coaches) during the week, and coming home on the weekends. Staying at the lake house is definitely our best option, but it's just not our "home", ya know? We'd still be living between Loganville and Dahlonega, and never actually feeling like either place was our home.

So, needless-to-say, I have been worrying and worrying and worrying about selling this house... worrying to the point that I feel sick... And I pray... and I pray... and I pray... that God would bring the perfect people to our home, who think this is just the perfect place for them to live.

Well, last night while I was laying in my bed saying my usual prayers, I remembered a sermon our minister preached about two months ago... He was talking about the Christian practices of confessing and repenting. I didn't think much of it at the time, but it all came back to me last night while I was praying. Our minister said that when you are in constant worry about something, you are basically telling God that you don't think He's big enough to handle your problem, or that you don't trust Him to handle it the "right" way. So, your confession should actually be that you don't trust God. And, then repenting would be telling God that you are sorry for not trusting Him, and that you are finally laying the problem at His feet and, in full submission, handing it over to Him. I found great comfort in that last night. So, I confessed that I had been worrying about it because I just didn't think He was doing enough to handle my problem. And then I repented. I told Him that it was now completely in His hands, and I would not worry about it anymore.

Amazingly, I woke up this morning feeling better than I have in quite a while. I know our house will be sold... in His time, not mine.

Now all I have to do is worry about keeping it clean! :)


Lauren said...

Love this - so encouraging! :o)

DLA said...

I'm so proud of you.....you get it!!! Phil. 4:4-7 is my favorite Bible verse..Do not be anxious about anything, but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and petition and with THANKSGIVING, present your requests to God. And the PEACE OF GOD, which transcends ALL UNDERSTANDING, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. There is nothing like God's peace to make your life easier!!!! Love you and praying also....Mo

Mrs. Charlene Fowler said...

Amen Sista' ! That day will come(: but I am selfish and I love you being up the road from me.