Thursday, October 29, 2009

In Need of a Major Detox

Hi. My name is Krista, and I have a problem.

I'm going to lay a lot out in this post. Judge me if you wish, but this is all stuff that has been on my mind in recent days, and it just all came together this morning in a big way.

My life has been flooded with trash lately. TV. Music. Internet. I have literally been taken over by trash. At first it just crept in - so little that I didn't even notice. But, finally, it all showed its ugly face this morning bright and clear.

I never actually sit down and "watch" morning TV, but I will admit that as soon as my feet hit the downstairs floor in the morning - usually carrying a bleary eyed baby girl ready for her breakfast - I immediately grab the remote and turn the TV on to "listen" to Good Morning America as I make, and then sit down to eat, our breakfast. No big deal, right? Well, then comes Regis and Kelly - we've got to see who's on this morning! Oh, it's a trashy actor coming on to talk about their even trashier movie that's coming out this week, that I would never in a million years go to see? OK, we must watch it.... as I simultaneously check my email, facebook, blog, read the ever-trashier AJC online, etc., etc., etc... all while that adorable little girl goes into her playroom to play by herself. Don't they encourage "alone time" for all children?! Well, then comes 10:00 and the Doctors. Dumbest. Show. Ever. And I'm a former Health teacher! But does the TV get turned off? Nope. Most of the time it does get muted as Addison and I play together for a little bit in the playroom - but never too far away from the iPhone, just in case an email comes through or someone posts a status update. Then what? Oh yeah, The View. I couldn't imagine getting through my day without listening to these women discuss their immoral, anti-everything-I-believe-in, trashy, trashy, trashy "views". But, then they also have the same above mentioned actor on to discuss the same movie that's coming out this weekend as we saw just 2 hours ago on Reg and Kell. But when does the TV get turned off you ask? Only after Whoopi "takes a little time to enjoy the view". Ugh. It is now noon, and what do I have to show for my morning? Dirty breakfast dishes in the sink, and my child and I both still in our pajamas.

Now it is time for lunch... and then Addison's nap. Perfect time to get busy, right? Nope. Gotta go read everyone's status updates on Facebook again, because God forbid they do something that I don't know about! To my credit, at least I USUALLY do get in a shower during this time.... but how could I take a shower and get dressed without some trashy music on in the background?! I think some quiet time alone would just be too much to handle. Must. Have. Music.

Gone are the days of beating Addison out of bed, getting a shower and getting dressed, and being a cup of coffee down before she wakes. Gone are the days of my daily chore chart, and keeping a well-run household. LONG gone are the days of hitting the gym every morning. My new mentality?

So what if the house is a little "messy"? It just means it is well lived in.

So what if I didn't happen to get a shower today, and I'm still in sweats and ponytail when my husband comes home? He knows how hectic our days can be.

So what if my child doesn't see sunshine except through a closed window for 2 days? We'll go to the playground tomorrow - Oh, it's supposed to rain tomorrow? Well, then maybe the next day.

So what if my husband works a 12 hour day, and then comes home to grilled cheese sandwiches and warmed up Campbell's soup? He understands that I just didn't *feel* like cooking tonight.

So what if I honestly, and shamefully, couldn't tell you the last time I sat down by myself and spent time with God in His Word? Surely He gets it that I just really needed that extra 30 minutes of sleep this morning.

I have become slack. In everything. And I'm convinced that it is coming from the trash that I am letting into my life - both consciously and unconsciously. It is time for a detox in my life, and it is going to start now. No more trashy morning TV. No more trashy music being played. Less time spent on the computer. More quality time spent with my child. More time spent being a good wife, and keeper of our home. More time spent in quiet, alone with my thoughts and my God.

Why am I throwing all this out there on such a public forum? Because, I know if I put it out there for you to read, I will hold myself to it. And I hope that you will help hold me to it. We all need a little help from our friends from time to time, right?!

Oh yeah, and Facebook? Look out, I'm coming for you next! But for now... Baby steps, baby steps. :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Sweetie

OK, my friend Marcie tagged me for this post all about my one true love. Kevin is my best friend, and the love of my life. He doesn't get much air time on the blog, so this is all about him...

♥ What are your middle names? Leigh and Patrick

♥How long have you been together? We started dating in February of 2006, so between 3 1/2 and 4 years.

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? We met on a Friday night, and went on our first date the following Friday night.

♥ Who asked whom out? He asked me out... our first date was to the state wrestling finals... really romantic, huh?

♥ Who made the first move? Kevin

♥ How old are each of you? Kevin is 33. I am 27.

♥ Did you go to the same school? Nope

♥ Are you from the same home town? Nope

♥ Who is the smartest? Kevin is freakishly knowledge-smart, but I have more common sense. :)

♥ Who majored in what? Kevin has degrees is Math, Health and Exercise Science, and Educational Leadership. I majored in Health Education.

♥ Who is the most sensitive? Me. But, he's not too far behind.

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? Before we moved, we ate at our local Mexican restaurant once a week. We're still trying to find "our place" here in Dahlonega.

♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? St. Lucia for our honeymoon, but we've also been to Grand Cayman, Cancun, New York, Vegas, LA, New Orleans, Miami... we're thinking Boston or Chicago next.

♥ Who has the worst temper? I have the more frequent temper, but neither of us has a very severe temper.

♥ How many children do you want? We're planning on 4... we'll see.

♥ Who does the cooking? I do, but Kevin can hold his own in the kitchen.

♥ Who is more social? Me. Kevin will say, "I saw Joe Shmoe at Walmart today". Me: "Oh really? What's he up to lately?" Kevin: "Well, I don't know. I didn't say I talked to him; I just saw him!"

♥ Who is the neat-freak? Neither of us is much of a "freak" about neatness, but I will get to a point where everything MUST be cleaned up. Kevin, not so much.

♥ Who is the most stubborn? Both of us are equally stubborn. And Addison is 10 times worse than either of us.

♥ Who wakes up earlier? Kevin, by about an hour.

♥Where was your first date? Already covered that one... our second date was to the circus then to see an Elvis impersonator... seriously.

♥ Who has the bigger family? Kevin. He's the oldest of 4 kids.

♥ Do you get flowers often? No. Flowers die.

♥ How do you spend the holidays? We split time between our families.

♥ Who is more jealous? Neither of us is jealous.

♥ How long did it take to get serious? Not long at all. We were engaged 6 months to the day after we met.

♥ Who eats more? Sadly, I think I do.

♥ What do you do for a living? Kevin is a teacher/coach. I am a stay-at-home mom.

♥ Who does the laundry? We're an awesome laundry team. I put it in the washer and move it to the dryer. He takes it out and folds it all. Then, I put it all away.

♥ Who’s better with the computer? Me.

♥ Who drives when you are together? Kevin

♥ What is "your" song? We have lots of songs we love, but we danced to "Come Away With Me" by Nora Jones at our wedding reception.

OK... I'm not "tagging" anyone. If you want to share some cute things about your hubby, please do!! :)