Thursday, August 27, 2009


We are closing on the Loganville house today - YAHOO!! The actual closing is at 3:00, and as of about 8:00 last night, all ducks were in a row. Please keep us in your prayers. I'm still pretty anxious about it all.

Dahlonega closing is set for 10:00 tomorrow. Kevin's first football game is tomorrow night. Then, we move on Saturday. We had the walk-through Tuesday for the new house. I had not seen it since it was finished - and was so excited to see that it looks great!

Our cable, phones, and internet are being turned off today, so that I can turn in the equipment before the move. I will be lost without checking in with, and on, my friends, but I will be back once our new service is established on Monday. Perhaps that will keep me focused on unpacking for a couple of days! :)

Anyway - until Monday! Have a great weekend!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The First Lemon

Today was a very special day. Not only was it my 27th birthday (how can I possibly be getting so close to 30?!), but it was also the day that we publicly dedicated Addison to the Lord and had her baptized. We had almost all of our immediate family here (minus Aunt Shannon and Uncle Jamie in Charleston), and got to go out to lunch after church to celebrate. It was truly an amazing day.

I am in the process as I type this of getting all the pictures that were taken today organized and uploaded to the computer, and I will post a ton of them probably tomorrow, but I just couldn't wait to share this one. It was taken at lunch after church. I have been waiting for 9 months now for this moment... Addison's first lemon! :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bittersweet Excitement

I still can't even believe we have been so blessed by this whole moving chapter of our lives. Our house was on the market right at 3 months when we got a contract! Everything is going great with the selling of our house. The inspection couldn't have gone better, and the buyers just seem SO nice. They are a young couple who have been married for about 6 months. They will love their new house as much as we have I hope! :) Everything is still set to close on Aug. 27 - less than 4 weeks from now - CRAZY!

As excited as I am to start this new part of our lives, I can't help but feel a little sad to leave this last part behind. I bought this house right after I was hired at Parkview. I was 22 years old, single, and so thrilled to be buying my very first house all on my own. I moved in on the 4th of July in 2005 and had so much fun decorating and getting my little house all set up. Little did I know that 7 months later I would meet my future husband. I still vividly remember pacing the kitchen floor while I was talking to Kevin on the phone for the first time. I remember giving him directions to my cute little house to pick me up for our first date. I remember him bringing me home from the second date, and giving me our first kiss in the driveway of this house. I loved having my bridesmaids spend the night here the night before our wedding, and getting ready here the next morning on the big day. I remember getting home late the night we came back from our honeymoon in St. Lucia, and Kevin carrying me over the threshold of the front door, then staying up to the wee hours of the morning sitting on the living room floor opening all of our gifts before going to bed. I remember finding out that I was pregnant with Addison, and Kevin spinning me around in a huge bearhug in our bedroom after I told him the good news. I'll never forget bringing Addison home to this house from the hospital, and taking a million pictures of her just laying on her Boppy in the living room, our bedroom, her bedroom.

I will always remember this house for all the amazing things that happened in my life in the short 4 years that I lived here. I never would have imagined on that July 4th 4 years ago that my life would change so drastically, and I would be so truly blessed. I'll cherish all those memories every time I think of our sweet little Loganville house...

BUT - we are so equally blessed to have found our new house in Dahlonega. I mentioned in my last post that we had put an offer in on a house that we loved up there and were just waiting to find out if we got it or not. I also mentioned that we were going up the next day to look at "back-up" houses in the event we didn't get "our" house. Well, in the process of finding a "back-up house", we found one that we actually like equally as much as the first. We put an offer on it as well, just in case we didn't get our first choice. Well, as it turned out, we were so amazed to find out that our offers on BOTH houses were accepted!! So, we then had a decision to make. We really did love the first house. We had spent the last 3 months talking about and planning our future with that house in mind. But, the "back-up" house was such an amazing deal I just couldn't get it out of my mind. So, we weighed the pros and cons of each house, talked about it, prayed about it, then talked about it some more, and finally came to the conclusion that our "back-up house" was going to be the best house for us and our family.

SO - we have signed off on the contract, picked out the flooring and appliances so the house can be finished (I didn't mention before that it is a brand new house!), and we are getting so fired up to move in. I will show you a picture of the outside, but I want to hold off on inside pictures until it is all finished. Hopefully that won't be too much longer because we are set to close on it the 28th!! Here is our new home in the mountains!!

I want to thank everyone for the thoughts, prayers, and encouragement as we have gone through this process. Like I said, we have a little less than 4 weeks to get everything packed and moved. And, while I'm still a little sad to be leaving our Loganville house behind, I am oh-so-excited to see what the future holds for us in Dahlonega.