Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why is it called a "Fun" Run?!

Well, we did it... I was dreading Sunday for about 2 months, but it came, it went, and we are alive to tell about it... A little background...

Kevin is a runner... he has done several half-marathons and marathons, and whatnot... he actually LIKES to run. I, on the other hand, used to "cheat" at cross country practice in high school and walk through the woods and through people's yards to get back to the school (I wasn't the only one - there was a group of us - not that that makes it any better). I ran the 5K races each week (with terrible times), and that was it... Don't ask me why I even joined the team - I think it was because my older cousin Jared was a runner and he was my ride home... whatever.

So, after I had Addison, I was really looking forward to getting back in shape. I was even excited about the idea of getting back to the gym and starting to workout again. And I do go to the gym - just about every morning. I really enjoy it. But, for some crazy reason I thought it would be fun to train for a half-marathon with Kevin. You know, something for us to do together... a goal I could work towards. So, we are tentatively slated to run the Atlanta half-marathon on Thanksgiving Day. That may get pushed back to the ING Georgia half-marathon next March because of football, but we'll see.

So we've started training... slowly.

About 2 months ago we decided to register for Sunday's Arcado Elementary 5K "Fun Run" (that's 3.1 miles if you are like me - metric system challenged). I printed out an 8-week "Couch to 5K" training schedule and slapped it on the refrigerator with the intention of marking off each of the 3 workouts a week as I completed them... well, about 2 weeks into it, the schedule somehow disappeared under Save the Date magnets, pictures, and grocery lists. It still hasn't resurfaced. But, Sunday was the race. Now, I had a touch of the flu all last week, and I was still feeling a little of the residual effects of that, so don't think I didn't try to pawn off my race number to another sucker and bow out gracefully... didn't work. Sunday came, and off we went to run the race...

And... I... finished... it... ran every step of the way even. My husband was even sweet enough to take one for the team and run right beside me. Thank goodness he did or I would have bowed out around the 2-mile-marker when my left foot went numb. But, we did it... and I felt great afterwards (that might have also been the peanut butter cookies they gave us at the finish line!). But, I was proud that I did it - and a good bit faster than I thought, too! We both actually finished 2nd in our respective age groups (it wasn't a very big race!). :)

So, now onto our next adventures in training ... a hilly 5K some time in April or May, followed by the 10K Peachtree Road Race on July 4th which, call me crazy, I'm actually kinda excited about.

Anyway... if anyone out there in blogland is a runner, wants to be a runner, or - like me- just pretends to be a runner, we would love to have you join us on our adventure! Just let me know, and I'll keep you updated on the races we are planning to run. :)

And, what would be a post without pictures? Here is little Addison at the race on Sunday. Her Grandma and Grandpa Stewart kept her at the finish line for us while we ran...

And, after the race... Happy Running!!!


Cori said...

GO GIRL!!!!! So proud of you (and Kevin too) That's awesome! and such a great feeling when you finish. Peachtree - we're doing it too - let's plan on meeting up - if you havent ever ran it before - it's soooo much fun!!! Thanksgiving 1/2 - I've done it twice - it makes you feel like you dont have to be guilty about eating all that food. It's a good one too. However, if you decide not to make that one our family runs the Gobble Jog on Thanksgiving morning - there is a
5K and 10K. Even dad does it..promise! So excited your running - let me know about any other races you sign up for - I'd love to join you!

Krista said...

Awesome - YAY! Kevin has done the Peachtree several times, but I've never done it... kinda nervous about Heart Attack Hill! I've been looking at the Atlanta Track Club website for a good 5K in April or May. I'll let you know what we decide on and we'd love to have you (and Phil if he wants!) join us!! FUN - or not! :)

Lauren said...

That is awesome!! I might run if someone were chasing me...and they had an axe or chainsaw in their hands. But even then, it's still not guaranteed. I'm really impressed! :o)

Marcie said...

I'm with Lauren!

Going to the gym is one thing. Running is a completely different story. But good for you for doing it!

Unknown said...

hey. just stalked you from afar during our first block of the testing season. im glad to hear that you are doing well. i miss seeing you every day.