Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Scars of Motherhood

For the two or three of you that actually read my ramblings, you are probably wondering where in the world I've been. Well, two weekends ago we were in Charleston for Aunt Shannon's (Kevin's youngest sister) wedding. And then last weekend we went to Miss Jill's wedding at the Aquarium, and they both deserve their own posts and I promise to do that soon, along with an update of Miss Addison.

But, right now I'm wanting to talk about something that's been on my mind a lot lately... the scars of motherhood. Now, I've wanted nothing more my whole life than to marry a great guy and be a mommy. Honestly, I know how blessed I am to have Kevin in my life. He takes care of me, and loves me unconditionally. And, I can't even fathom my life without my little girl. In the words of my friend Julie (hi Julie!), my child has completed me. BUT... she has left some scars on me that I'm afraid will never heal... like the 5 beautiful purple marks right under my belly-button... and my hips that are a little wider than they once were... and my (ahem) "northern hemisphere" that is actually closer to the equator than the North Pole now - if you know what I mean.

I have become very diligent about getting up every weekday morning and bundling up the little one, packing the diaper bag, and heading to the gym. Depending on the day, I either take a weight-lifting class or a cardio cycling class. And I.LOVE.IT. I leave there feeling productive and good about myself. I have actually dropped all 31 pounds that I gained during my pregnancy (and a couple more for good measure), but no amount of crunches are going to make those lovely little purple lines go away... I could do lunges, squats, and leg-raises all day long and my hips aren't going to go anywhere... and short of having surgery, I'm afraid I'll be hauling my northern hemisphere back up where it belongs for all of eternity.

But, today when I walked into the nursery at the gym to pick my sweet baby girl up, she recognized me and smiled... and for that second I forgot about those little purple lines. I think maybe one day, I might even be a little proud of them.


Julie said...

HAHA - this post made me laugh. We all hear ya!! My stomach looks like Edward Scissor hands got a hold of it! Don't worry - your hips will go took mine 5-6 months to go back to normal. Get up the hard work!! It is worth it!

Cori said...

you go girl - losing all the baby weight and then some :) well worth the hard work and look at the final product - those purple lines are well worth it when Addison recognizes her pretty mommy!