Well, I'm a little late on this post, but HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY ADDISON!!! :)
She officially turned one on Sunday - November 1st. I absolutely cannot believe that I don't have a "baby" anymore. Everyone always tells you to enjoy it because it goes by so quickly, and we all nod politely and say, "yeah, I know," but SERIOUSLY, where did the time go?! It doesn't seem like a year ago that she was born, but on the other hand, I don't really remember life before her either. She is the most amazing thing in the world, and I love her more and more each day.
She is getting to be so much fun, and has developed quite the little personality. She loves to "wrestle" on the floor with Daddy. I must get a video of that to share. She can point to her nose, eye, ear, mouth, and belly. When asked how to hit a volleyball, she lifts her arm up, and then slams it down. She claps whenever you say "good job", or whenever she does something she is proud of. She loves to turn off light switches, push the garage door button, and flush the toilet. Anytime she hears music of any kind she starts dancing - which is hysterical and makes me smile every time. She loves to eat, and we have not found anything that she refuses - although a few bites of PB&J made her break out in hives, so we'll be holding off on the peanuts for a while longer. She is great at playing by herself, but loves to be around people. She will smile and wave at anyone that gives her even the slightest amount of attention. She is now drinking whole milk during the day. She has stopped nursing completely, and I really thought it would be a bigger deal to "wean", but both of us did great. Once the whole milk was introduced she was like, "see ya Mommy!" She is such a big girl.
I have wanted to be a Mommy my whole life, and if the rest of it is like the first year, I couldn't think of anything else in the world that could be better! :) We love you little Addie. You make Mommy's heart smile!
In honor of her first birthday, I wanted to share some pictures of her first year!
November 1, 2008 

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 1, 2009 - Happy 1st Birthday Baby Girl!!!
1 comment:
Happy Belated Birthday Addison!
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