Thursday, November 20, 2008

Best Baby Products

One of my friends is getting ready to have a baby in a few weeks. I ran into her the other night at the Parkview game and she was asking me about some of the "baby things" I use that I really like or that help me out the most. That got me thinking about ALL of the things I use on a daily basis with Addison... feeding things, entertaining things, changing things, bathing things, etc. etc. etc... and what I truly couldn't live without.

So, here are Krista's Official Cannot Live Without Baby Things:

# 3 - The Boppy - this pillow gets lugged all over the house... it is wonderful for nursing, lounging, sitting her in on the floor for 2.5 seconds so I can get something done quickly, helping to hold her so your other hand can eat, change channels, use the computer, hold the phone - you get the idea...

#2 - The Miracle Blanket - for the first few nights we had Addison home, she was not a good sleeper. And try as we might, we just couldn't get the regular receiving blankets to swaddle her like the nurses in the hospital could. Then I remembered we had The Miracle Blanket. It looks pretty cruel - I mean it is essentially a baby straight jacket - but we used it about 4 nights in, and that was the first night she slept for 2 4-hour stretches... and she has done the same every night since... It truly is a MIRACLE!

#1 - The Graco Sweet Peace Soothing Center - OH MY GOODNESS!! My child LOVES this swing. It sways at 6 different speeds in 3 different directions, it plays COUNTLESS songs both classical and lively, it has many different white noise options (Addison's favorite is the heartbeat sound), you can plug your own iPod into it to play your music, and the seat pops off so you can snap your Graco carseat straight into it so you can transfer a sleeping child from the car to the swing without having to get her out of the seat. This thing is AMAZING, and by far Addison's most used baby thing.

So... Moms weigh in... what are YOUR favorite cannot live without baby things?!


Josh and Carrie Anne said...

Well I can definitely say that it changes as they get older but some of the things that are still tried and true for us are the Summer Video Monitor (I didn't get it until Lily was 4 months old but it is AWESOME). I also could not have lived without her bouncy seat (of course doesn't use that now). We also have a sound machine for her room that does wonders to drown out other household noises.
Krista, I am glad that things are going well. It just gets better and better.

Lauren said...

Ooooh, it's hard to say. I agree with the previous comment, your favorite things change as the kiddoes grow. But can I please just say I am so envious of the Graco SweetPeace thing?!??! Wow, the things they come up with in just 2 short years!

I also loved my Boppy, although we used it with Mac much, much more than we did with Rachael. And I couldn't do much without a bouncy seat in those first few months! Rae still sits in hers from time to time, but she tries to sit up in it now that she's getting so big. And I have 2 good friends who *swear* by the Miracle Blanket.

Hmm, what are my faves?

My Moby wrap!! I have a Bjorn, which is good when it's hot, but other than warm weather, I'll take my Moby any day over a rigid carrier. More comfy for me, it's GOT TO BE more comfy for Rachael, and at $40, it's the cheapest wrap (and one of the cheapest carriers, period) I've ever seen. Comes in around 20 different colors, too. Sweet!

Vibrating teethers. I know it sounds strange, but Mac couldn't get enough of his, and Rachael is starting to figure out how soothing it is.

Exersaucer/Johnny jump-up. Tons of fun, exercise, and 100% stationary so Mama can clean, cook,...or take a 15-minute nap. ;o)

Medela wipes. They're supposed to be for cleaning up breast pumps in between soap and water washing, but I love these for wiping off hands, toys that fall on the ground, shopping cart handles, and the edge of the table at restaurants. I figure, if they're safe to touch your breast pump and possibly your milk, then it's totally okay if whatever they touch ends up in your child's mouth (as opposed to clorox or antibacterial wipes).

Resinol. It's an over-the-counter ointment that is good for EVERYTHING. It comes in a little jar, and like I said, it's OTC, but most places don't carry it in stock. A pharmacist can order it for you. Great for cuts, burns, bee stings, and especially diaper rash. The only thing is that it stains a bit, so you have to be careful with it.

Finally, I'm a bad, bad mommy...

Baby Einstein. Seriously. I need to come out of the closet here. We own about 15 Baby Einstein videos that I've accumulated at garage and consignment sales. When I'm sick, kids are sick, I need to get something done while they're awake, I need to take a shower or cook supper, or even just when that 5 pm witching hour comes between naps and supper and no toys are interesting anymore, I *LOVE* Baby Einstein movies. They're like baby crack, I'm not even kidding. Instantly transforms cranky children into docile, quiet, google-eyed sweethearts. Blissful.