Well, we are about ready to head out for almost a week of Christmas bliss with our families. Addison and I are going on to my parents' today and Kevin is going to stay here and work on his dissertation in the peace and quiet for a couple of days. He will join us on Christmas Eve for the Lee family dinner. Then we'll get up Christmas morning at Mops and Pops' (my parents) house, open presents, have brunch, and hit the road again. We'll be at Kevin's parents' house for dinner Christmas night, and then stay until Saturday. I am so excited about spending Addison's first Christmas with all of our family!! I was getting us all packed up last night... do you know how much "stuff" if required to take an infant out of town for a week?! Geesh. But, we are all ready to go now. So... If I don't get a chance to post later on in the week... I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!
Oh, I almost forgot! Here are a couple of pics from this past week... Addison - 6 weeks old ...
Watching football with Daddy...

Getting ready to run some errands with Mommy...

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