So sorry it has been a while since my last post. We were able to get out of town and back to be with family for Thanksgiving, and then we've been pretty busy since then! We went and cut down Addison's first Christmas tree and have gotten the house all decorated. I love Christmas time! I wish I could leave my Christmas decorations up all year!!
Addison is doing so great. She really is just a happy baby. I joke with Kevin that maybe we should just stop right now because no other babies will be as good and happy as she is. She had her one month check up this week (I CANNOT believe she's a month old already!) and the doctor said she is doing great. She weighed 11lbs 14 oz, and was 23 1/4 inches long (which is in the 90th percentile in both). She is mostly wearing 3 month clothes already because she is too long for most of her newborn stuff. She really started smiling this week... and not just I'm-passing-gas-smiles... actually SMILING! It absolutely melts my heart every time she does it. I can get her to smile if I tickle her cheeks or playfully pull out her paci, but her Daddy can get her to smile just by talking to her and making funny faces... I think she's a Daddy's girl already.
She is starting to sleep really well. She makes it from around 10:30 to about 5:00 each night. Then some mornings she'll go back to sleep after she eats, and some mornings we start our day at 5:00. I'm working on getting her on a set nap schedule during the day, so maybe that will help her to sleep a little better at night.
I'll quit babbling now and show you some pictures since that's what everyone wants anyway!! :) Have a great week!!!
Addison with her Great-Papaw at Thanksgiving

Cutting down her first Christmas tree (she slept through the whole thing!)At the Christmas tree farm
She's up to something! :)
My sweet little China doll
1 comment:
Oh, those smiles! What a beauty already!! :o)
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