Two nights ago I was on my way home from a VERY long day of teaching and coaching (14+ hours spent at wonderful PHS), and I stopped at Kroger to pick up a gallon of milk and some turkey for a sandwich the next day (editor's note: for those of you that follow the pregnancy guidelines by the book and don't eat lunchmeat, please don't bash me... this is one of the few things I don't go by, but I will only eat fresh lunchmeat - not processed and packaged - I'm sure Addison is just fine). Anyway... here is my exchange with the Kroger deli lady:
Me to the Kroger deli lady ignoring me at the counter: "Excuse me, could I get some turkey please?"
Mean Kroger deli lady: "I'm sorry but we close at 9:00."
Me: "Well I'm just in luck then because it's 8:53."
Mean Kroger deli lady: "I've already cleaned the slicing machine - we're closed"
Me: "But it's not 9:00 yet and I don't have any turkey for my lunch tomorrow." (I don't know why I thought she might care about this little fact, but I said it none-the-less)
Mean Kroger deli lady: "You can get some packaged turkey in the back of the store, but I'm not messing up the machine just to clean it again."
Me: "I'm pregnant and I can't eat packaged lunchmeat." (yes, I shamelessly played the pregnancy card - I REALLY wanted my yummy Salsalito turkey!)
Mean Kroger deli lady as she walks away from the counter: "I'm sorry dear."
My first thought was to go find the manager and complain, but then the thought occurred to me that the mean Kroger deli lady had had a long day on her feet just like me, and just like me, she was ready to go home. So, needless to say, I left Kroger that night with a gallon of milk, no turkey, and tears streaming down my face. Isn't pregnancy great? :)
10 months
11 years ago