Friday, September 26, 2008

Mean Kroger Deli Lady

Two nights ago I was on my way home from a VERY long day of teaching and coaching (14+ hours spent at wonderful PHS), and I stopped at Kroger to pick up a gallon of milk and some turkey for a sandwich the next day (editor's note: for those of you that follow the pregnancy guidelines by the book and don't eat lunchmeat, please don't bash me... this is one of the few things I don't go by, but I will only eat fresh lunchmeat - not processed and packaged - I'm sure Addison is just fine). Anyway... here is my exchange with the Kroger deli lady:

Me to the Kroger deli lady ignoring me at the counter: "Excuse me, could I get some turkey please?"

Mean Kroger deli lady: "I'm sorry but we close at 9:00."

Me: "Well I'm just in luck then because it's 8:53."

Mean Kroger deli lady: "I've already cleaned the slicing machine - we're closed"

Me: "But it's not 9:00 yet and I don't have any turkey for my lunch tomorrow." (I don't know why I thought she might care about this little fact, but I said it none-the-less)

Mean Kroger deli lady: "You can get some packaged turkey in the back of the store, but I'm not messing up the machine just to clean it again."

Me: "I'm pregnant and I can't eat packaged lunchmeat." (yes, I shamelessly played the pregnancy card - I REALLY wanted my yummy Salsalito turkey!)

Mean Kroger deli lady as she walks away from the counter: "I'm sorry dear."

My first thought was to go find the manager and complain, but then the thought occurred to me that the mean Kroger deli lady had had a long day on her feet just like me, and just like me, she was ready to go home. So, needless to say, I left Kroger that night with a gallon of milk, no turkey, and tears streaming down my face. Isn't pregnancy great? :)

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Hahahaha...I'm sorry, I know it's not that funny right now. When I was about 8 months pg with Rachael, a checkout guy (who probably thought he was being helpful) leapt in front of my cart and started tossing things on the conveyor belt at the checkout. Well, I'm pretty anal about what things get bagged together (especially when people put canned goods and bread together, or raw meat in the same bag as your fruits...). Anyway, not only was he throwing things up there topsy turvy, he stepped in between me and the buggy...where Mac was sitting. I have never felt more like a "mama bear" than at that moment! I don't remember exactly what was roared...or said, but I do remember him making a hasty exit and a manager apologizing to me on my way out the door. Yikes. (shame)