Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Kevin and I love sharing some of the really dumb things that our students say or ask. We were always told growing up that there is no such thing as a dumb question... well, coming from a teacher, I can say the people that told us that are VERY wrong. I am asked dumb questions EVERY SINGLE DAY.

2 dumb questions of the day:

1. (Student holding a ruler up to me) "Which side measures inches and which side measures centimeters?"

Really?! How do you get to high school and not know the difference between centimeters and inches?!

2. (Lost freshman looking at his newly changed schedule, standing in the hallway between the two gyms looking back and forth at the two) "Which gym is the old gym and which is the new gym?"

If you have never been to Parkview, you might not appreciate this one, or think that I'm just being too hard on the kid. But, let me tell you... the old gym is almost 35 years old. The new gym is 5 years old and more than twice the size of the old one... VERY easy to tell the difference.

Welcome to my world... Hope you've SMILED today! :)

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