Most of you know that throughout our whole pregnancy the doctors have been telling me that Addison is going to be a big baby. Every appointment I've had they have said that my belly is measuring big. One of the midwives even went as far as putting "her" on a special diet - low carbs, high protein and veggies, walking every day (me, not her:) )- to limit her calorie intake!! We have had many ultrasounds done throughout the pregnancy, the last 2 were specifically to get her measurements so that we would be prepared. Well, on Friday at my appointment they had the results from the latest ultrasound. It seems that the sasquatch they've been preparing us for is actually in the 52nd percentile in size for her gestational age. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I guess it's good news - she won't be a freak (not to mention she'll be much easier to get out!)- but my goodness, a completely average size baby is not what we were expecting!
They also confirmed through a quick ultrasound done on Friday that she has finally turned and is head-down, ready to go. She likes to poke her little bottom out at us, and her feet are permanently wedged in my ribcage. One of my favorite things right now is how she recognizes Kevin's voice. She can be completely still for hours and then as soon as he gets home and starts talking to her, she starts squirming and kicking around. She's a little Daddy's Girl already!
Here she is at about 32 weeks - you can see her little fists balled up like she's ready to fight in the first two, the last one is a side view...
Happy Monday!

I'm so glad to hear that she's getting ready and isn't going to be a mammoth! Rachael measured big every single time they took an ultrasound, but my belly was right on track. I kept on telling Matthew, "I think every time they do pics she's on the tail end of a growth spurt" and he kept reminding me that the machines are not always accurate. Well, at my 37 week U/S (we were considered high-risk with her) she was finally measuring at gestational age! I went into labor less than a week after that, and she was 8 lbs even. Definitely, if she'd "cooked" longer she would have been bigger, but she knew when to come!! :o)
i don't know with both of your heights,can you say volleyball?
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