Landlord: Your Mommy
Address: My Uterus
You are hereby notified, in any event, that your tenancy is hereby terminated effective immediately. You are hereby requested to quit, vacate, and deliver possession therefore to the undersigned on or before Saturday, November 1, 2008. This notice to vacate is due to your following breach of tenancy: Outstaying your welcome. Should you fail, refuse or neglect to cure the breach, or vacate said premises within 6 days of this notice, I will take such legal action as the law requires to evict you from the premises. Notice is further given that failure to respond to this notice on or before the date specified in the above paragraph, shall result in due process of the law for eviction and collection of amounts due to be commenced and for other remedies available to landlord for which you will be responsible for costs and attorney fees.
Your Mother
40 week picture

Eggplant Parmesan at Provino's

I hope Addison comes out soon - I know you are ready!! Good luck and we want to see LOTS of pics when she finally decides to come out!
If it's any consolation you look beautiful! You're also a complete riot, and you made my morning.
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