Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Well, the eggplant parmesan didn't work very well (but it sure was good!!). We went to the dr. on Monday for my weekly appointment. She said that I've actually started to progress (2cm, 80% effaced, -3 station), but it's a slow-go. I've had contractions on and off since then, but nothing worth writing home about. Each night before we go to bed, I make sure our bags are all set and everything is laid out that we might need quickly if we had to leave in the middle of the night. Then, every morning before we leave for work I ask Kevin to make sure his cell phone is on and in his pocket. We've pretty much developed a well-oiled "any minute now" routine. And so we just wait... and wait... and wait...


Lauren said...

Yay! Any progress is still PROGRESS! :o) Maybe you'll be one of those lucky ladies who has tons and tons of non-painful progress and then your water will break when you're about 8 or 9 cm! Are you still working, or are you home resting and waiting it out?

Krista said...

Unfortunately, the county doesn't pay your short-term disability unless you are working the day of or before the "qualifying event"... so... I am still working. I've told my classes they may get an up close and personal health lesson here before too long! I'm not sure 30 14-year-olds would ever recover from that! :)