1. (at work) You're STILL here?! (except for Leigh and Anne because I know you say it JUST to make me grind my teeth!)
"Yes, I'm still here... I will be here until the baby comes, which she obviously hasn't yet...Thank you for stating the obvious - the baby is NOT here."
2. When are you going to have that baby?"
"Well, my crystal ball says she will be here on X date. If you find out differently, please let me know!"
3. How are you feeling? (asked with the sympathetic head tilt)
"I'm 3 days from my due date... I'm quite positive I'm carrying a 25 pound child... My feet and hands are swollen beyond recognition... And I couldn't tell you the last night I strung together 3 hours of solid sleep... Other than that, I'm just GREAT!!"
4. What is it?
"'IT' is a baby. HER name is Addison."
and my all-time favorite...
5. Are you SURE there is only one in there?
"While I know you are just trying to be funny and cute, yes, I'm sure there is only one in there. I have had 7 ultrasounds in the last 9 months. If there is another one in there, and we don't know about it, I will be firing my doctor. But, thanks for making me feel like a truck!"
OK... I've vented... It's out there... Like I said, I'm guilty of saying or asking these in the past... From now on I will simply smile, say congratulations, and "yes, I know it's tough, but there is an end in sight... hang in there... it will all be so worth it!"
Any of you mommies out there have any more to add?!

Hahaha, I remember those days. Hmm, what can I add to the mix? OH!
"Well your belly button has popped out, so you must be close!" ~ 'Actually, my belly button popped out at 14 weeks, but thanks for calling attention to the fact that I have a gross outie due to an umbilical hernia.'
"Wow, you're really starting to waddle." ~ (Now, this was said to me by my master teacher during my student teaching, I was 8 months pregnant and carrying 80 poster boards in each hand walking down the hall. Still, I was so angry that I couldn't even say anything, I just smiled grimly.)
I know what you mean. I still ask people how they're feeling, but mostly when I see people who I know are that far along I just smile and talk about anything BUT the baby! I know when I'm at that point, I'm just so ready to not be pregnant anymore, but I'm exhausted from not sleeping the entire third trimester, so I'm totally not ready to bring a baby home either! And I bet everyone keeps telling you "Rest now while you can!", and you're probably thinking "yeah right." But honestly, I wish I had rested more when I was pregnant with Mac. With Rae I couldn't rest, because I was taking care of Mac! Now I really understand what women (with 3 or 4 kids) mean when they say they didn't sleep for about 8 years. :o)
Ohh..I remember that too. The people that would ask if I was still pregnant would not even get an answer from me during my second pregnancy.
I used to hate it when people would tell me "Wow! You look like you are going to pop! You are SO big!" Thank you for pointing out the obvious..and yes, my stomach does feel as if it may pop if it has to stretch anymore..thanks for asking. :)
Do people walk up and touch your belly? That used to bug me too!
I'm sure you don't want to hear it again but try to rest as much as you can. She'll be here before you know it. :)
Hopefully I haven't made any of those comments - if so pretend it wasn't me. :) You're extra funny when your pregnant by the way! I love reading your vent messages and excitement!! Praying that Addison decides to join us asap! love love!
Call me crazy, but those comments never bothered me. The only thing that got old was having to respond in the SAME WAY for the fiftieth time. The smile probably started to look a little fake. But I absolutely loved every minute of my pregnancy, annoying questions and all.
Not what IS starting to grind on my nerves is people saying to me (about Bennett - my SON), "She's so precious, how old she?" Or, "Hey there, princess!" It doesn't matter if he's wearing green and blue, black and orange, brown, still the same thing - from EVERYONE!
We've got to cut his hair...
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