I am joining a book club of sorts and would like to invite you to join as well. It actually works more like a book "chain"... let me explain... I was sent an invitation by my mother-in-law to join the club. Now, to join I will send ONE paperback book of my choice (obviously something I enjoyed reading - and something I already have at home) to the person who sent the invitation to my mother-in-law. Then I will send an invitation out to 6 of my friends who will each send ONE paperback book of their choice to my mother-in-law. My 6 friends will then send the invitation on to six of THEIR friends who will send ONE paperback book each to me... If you are keeping up with this, I will have sent ONE book, and received THIRTY-SIX books in return. You would do the same. Talk about some good reading!
Now, I didn't want to send the invitation out to anyone who would not want to participate, so I thought I would put "feelers" out for anyone interested first. So, if you are up for some good reading and would like to join our "club", please let me know and I will gladly send you your invitation with all the information you will need.
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