Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Zip, Zero, Nada, Nothing

I had my 37 week dr. appointment yesterday afternoon. I went in really excited because I feel like Addison is really dropping down and getting ready to come. I just KNEW she was going to tell me things were getting started and labor was imminent. So imagine my disappointment when I got a big fat NOTHING. I could tell the midwife felt really bad about being the bearer of "bad news" - she kept saying "this really means nothing" and "she really could come any time now" and "enjoy your last couple of weeks of quiet relaxation"... blah, blah, blah... just shut up and tell me this kid is coming soon!!

Of course I know that Addison will come when she's good and ready. And I know that I really should just sit back and relax now while I can... but, I was always the kid that couldn't wait for Christmas, and could never keep a surprise a surprise (still can't for that matter)... I'm just not so good at this waiting game.

Hopefully next week's appointment will be a little more exciting! One can hope, right?

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